If you’re ready to increase productivity and efficiency while scaling back costs, managed IT services may be for you. Discover all the advantages of it here today.

Over 40% of cyber attacks target small and medium-sized businesses. Many of the businesses that experience cyberattacks are out of business within six months. Don’t leave your small business vulnerable.

Instead, consider managed IT services. With managed IT services, you can improve your company’s productivity while cutting costs. At the same time, you’re protecting your business from potential hacks!

What are managed IT services and how can they benefit your business? Keep reading to find out! In this guide, we’ll review everything you need to know before requesting IT managed services for your own business.

Read on to learn more!

What Are Managed IT Services?

Managed IT services allow businesses to utilize a third-party contractor for their information technology needs. As the IT industry continues to grow and new technologies emerge, it’s becoming more important than ever to rely on managed IT services.

An IT professional can help your business by managing your:

  • Core network
  • Datacenter
  • Telphone system

A managed service provider (MSP), on the other hand, is a company that can manage your technology needs remotely. A professional MSP can also implement different strategies to improve and streamline your operations. Their strategies could reduce security failures, improve your productivity, and help cut costs.

No two companies are alike. By requesting managed IT services from an MSP, you can develop a custom IT program based on your specific needs.

Types of Managed IT Support

Now that you know a little more about managed IT services, let’s talk about the types of services you can use to improve your business.


Over 60% of businesses are already using cloud-based services to improve their company’s productivity. In addition to boosting your efficiency, switching to the cloud can also improve your security.

In today’s day and age, consumers expect businesses to protect their private information. Without the right security measures in place, you’re giving hackers the chance to steal addresses, credit card information, and more. A cloud-based system can make your business more secure, giving you and your customers peace of mind.

Cloud-based services fall under networking and infrastructure. In addition to moving your system to the cloud, a professional MSP can also:

  • Manage your storage backup
  • Remotely provide printing services
  • Improve your onsight infrastructure
  • Provide mobile networking

These improvements can help your team collaborate on projects even employees are away from the office. As a result, your team can become more productive by working from anywhere in the world!


Your team won’t function effectively or efficiently if you can’t communicate. When researching a managed IT service, make sure the MSP can improve how your team communicates. These improvements can make meetings between your team and clients a lot easier.

With many businesses still under quarantine, improving your team’s ability to communicate is essential. Otherwise, you might miss out on important conversations or meetings with clients.

Communication improvements can include video services for:

  • One-on-one conversations
  • Multiple-party conversations
  • Conferences with clients or employees

You can also discover services that improve your ability to share information and content between devices.

These services can boost productivity if you rely on a remote call center or need to communicate with employees in different locations.

Data Analytics

Every year, technology becomes more diverse and complicated. It’s difficult to keep up-to-date with the latest software when you’re busy managing your business. Instead of worrying about your company’s tech, you can hire an IT managed services provider.

An IT provider will utilize data to determine where your company can improve. Their help will keep you up-to-date and ensure your systems support your company’s growth.


A managed IT services company can offer its services either on a by-month or by-year schedule. By choosing a software-as-a-service (SaaS) program, you can ensure your business remains up-to-date with the newest systems.

Otherwise, you could risk falling behind competitors. In order to improve efficiency, you need the latest systems and technology.


Manage IT services can also include security management. Remember, you want to ensure your network is secure. Otherwise, you’re leaving your customers’ private information at risk.

Your managed IT provider can offer security services such as:

  • Patching and maintenance
  • Anti-malware improvements
  • Improving the compatibility between your software and hardware

By improving your company’s security, you can keep hackers from destroying your business.

Benefits of Managed IT Services

A managed services IT program can improve your company in a few different ways.

First, managed IT services can improve your company’s overall productivity. When you’re using old, outdated systems, your company can lag behind. A small problem could shut everything down.

Updating your technology can help support your company’s daily operations. If something goes wrong, your MSP can fix any issues. Their help will ensure your business is running at its best.

Otherwise, an internet issue or computer problem could bring daily operations to a stop.

At the same time, manages IT services will improve your business’ security system. You can assure customers that you’re up-to-date with the latest government regulations. An experienced MSP will make sure you’re minimizing security risks and capable of fighting off hackers.

About 50% of new businesses fail because they run out of money. If you’re worried about your expenses, hiring managed IT services can help you save about 60% on overhead costs.

By outsourcing your IT needs, you’ll no longer have to rely on a full IT department. Instead, you can rely on managed IT services to fix any issues you come across. Instead of hiring and training in-house IT staff, you’ll only pay for the services you need.

Meanwhile, the IT professionals you hire will remain up-to-date with the latest tech trends. They’ll make sure you’re not falling behind competitors or leaving yourself vulnerable to hackers. At the same time, offering the latest systems will show consumers you’re a relevant brand in the industry!

Give Your Business a Boost: Your Guide to Managed IT Services

Don’t fall behind or leave your company vulnerable to hackers. Instead, consider managed IT services for your business. By hiring IT pros, you can boost your productivity and cut costs for long-term business growth!

Need IT services now? Don’t wait. Contact us today for a quote to get started!