The world is connected and businesses unwilling to move their information to the cloud will find themselves falling behind. Along with the need to provide access to programs and information for employees anywhere is the need for increased security.
My365 is a revolutionary platform that uses Microsoft 365 productivity cloud to help make your information accessible and secure. We created this guide to inform you of the many benefits of My365 and how it can save you time, money, and increase your productivity.
You’ll love our platform and what it can do for your business. 

What Is My365? 

You’ve likely heard of the Microsoft 365 productivity suite. It has the best Office apps mixed with cloud the best cloud services. Since it’s built upon the Office 365 suite, you have tools like Azure Active Directory and mobile device management using Intune.
The security is top-notch, and it guarantees a seamless experience across all devices. Our team makes sure you and your information technology team are well versed in all aspects of My365 and Office 365, so you can keep your workplace in step with the ever-changing world.
Don’t risk your data and information with an unproven migration and instead use a suite designed for the cloud. 

Connect with All Devices 

Do you have satellite offices all across the country or world? Do you often travel for work and wish you had access to information on the road? My365 provides you with flexibility of access from mobile and outside devices with high-level security to make sure your information stays safe.
Off the cloud servers are limited and that puts you behind the competition. Does an employee have an emergency from home and need to stay to take care of a child or has car trouble? With My365, they can work from home and maintain the same productivity as if they were in the office.
Maybe you’re on the way to the meeting, but forgot important information at the office? You can access the cloud from your laptop or even your mobile phone. Today’s world moves closer to virtual every day and this gives you’re the ultimate flexibility while also keeping your information safe. 

It’s Easy to Learn 

One of the hardest parts of cloud migration is understanding how everything works. There is a learning curve and that can lead to lower productivity. This isn’t something you need to worry about with My365.
You have access to our professionals to help you migrate everything to the cloud and there is a learning portal designed to get you in the information you need in the fastest way possible. If you need help with something specific or general, the portal educates you at your own pace.
Many other cloud migration software leave you in the lurch trying to figure out and understand the new platform, but not My365. 

Security Keeps Information Safe but Accessible 

You’ve likely heard the news stories about businesses being hacked and product, customer, and other information stolen. A hack has serious repercussions not only on your bottom line but also on your reputation.
Even if you improve security following a hack, you’ll have to earn back customer trust.
My365 features advanced threat protection to ward off unauthorized attempts to access your data. It encrypts your files and emails, so they can’t be picked up by hackers and used against your company.
It follows regulatory compliance and places your domain in the cloud. If you’re worried about unauthorized mobile devices accessing your information, it features mobile device management so you control what devices access your information and which ones can’t.
It’s the ultimate in security because it’s what your business deserves. 

My365 Is a Familiar Platform 

Odds are your office already uses Office 365 for everything from emails to word processing. It’s a platform your employees are familiar with and understand how to use from Word to Excel.
By harnessing the power of the office suite as well as new tools to provide better productivity and team management, you can take your office anywhere. You can communicate with teams and use SharePoint Online.
SharePoint is a configurable platform that allows companies to store, search, track, and manage documents. It’s the perfect tool for large companies that create hundreds of documents every day. Save them to the cloud and access or search for them whenever you need them.
There’s no more rifling through file cabinets trying to find an expense report or continuously creating new documents when templates are available. 

Perks of My365 and Cloud Computing 

The goal of My365 is simplicity, so there is no need to access the information from a virtual private network. Security is built-in using Microsoft Modern Authentication.
All the data stored in the cloud stays in the United States and we make sure all regulatory and compliance issues are settled including GDPR, ITAR, and HIPAA.
Worried about accessibility using different platforms? My365 is accessible from Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS. There is no need for everyone to have the same type of phone or computer, accessibility is guaranteed. 

Professional Migration and Support 

Trying to take on a cloud migration by yourself can lead to serious problems including loss of information. We have a professional team that understands all aspects of My365 and cloud migration. We’re there with you throughout the entire process to make sure your data is safe during transfer.
If there are any hiccups, we can fix it as it happens. We’ll provide education on how everything works and follow best practices to you create modern workplace solutions using My365. 

Get Your Head in the Cloud 

The world changes more each year and the need to access information and software from anywhere isn’t just a perk, but a necessity. Your competition understands this and they’re making the change and so should you.
My365 is a secure and simple method of transferring your data to the cloud and provides security and flexibility for your workforce. If you want to learn more or would like to talk about your cloud migration, then contact our team of professionals today.