How does your business react if your IT systems go down?

recent survey of small businesses found that over a third lost customers due to their systems going offline. Seventeen percent lost revenue due to downtime. And 19% say they don’t feel adequately prepared to prevent future issues.

Unfortunately, some companies rely on an ad-hoc ‘just support’ system to help them. They don’t plan for the future and act on problems as they arise.

This article examines the pro-active managed IT service by IT Pros Management Inc. and how it assists your technology needs.

We ask what managed IT means and how it differs from ‘just support’. We then outline the top benefits a managed service provider can bring to your company.

Don’t react to IT problems when they happen. Be prepared with a managed IT service.

What Does Managed IT Mean?

Managed synonyms include handled, provided, guided, and primed. And that summarizes the main drive of a managed IT service.

Instead of waiting for things to stop working, businesses of all sizes hire a managed service provider (MSP) to help them. MSPs are experts in multiple types of technology including:

  • Network security and administration
  • Data backup
  • IT support
  • Digital communications

For example, IT Pros Management offers everything a small to medium-sized business needs to support their IT systems. That includes maintaining hardware like desktop PCs and routers to software apps like Office and Microsoft 365.

Managed IT Services Versus Just Support

‘Just support’ or ‘break-fix’ services are not managed IT services.

They only provide technical assistance when something goes wrong. They don’t actively prevent issues from occurring, just react to try and fix them when systems go down.

Managed service providers offer a better approach as their philosophy looks to the future to see what issues may occur.

The MSP firstly evaluates your current operations. A plan gets drawn-up that’s specific to your needs. Services then get implemented that guarantee to keep you up and running with as little downtime as possible.

Instead of waiting for downtime, managed IT solutions monitor your network for issues.

Support is available day and night the whole year-round. And they’re less expensive than hiring an in-house team because you don’t need to pay for salaries or training.

To help compare how our managed IT department is distinct from ‘just support’ we’ve outlined 5 major differences below.

  1. Proactive Monitoring

A Managed IT Department or MID constantly monitors your technology environment. If systems go offline, get attacked, or stop working, we get alerted.

You might not even know something’s wrong before we get it fixed and working again. The emphasis is no longer on the business to report issues. The service provider manages it all remotely.

IT Pros Management offers this service at an all-inclusive flat monthly rate.

You won’t get charged ridiculous rates based on the number of hours you’re held prisoner to the phone. That means no unpredictable monthly bills and lets your budget your IT spend for the year.

  1. Business Continuity Plan and Disaster Recovery

A survey by the Ponemon Institute found that businesses could save 82% of costs through cyber-attack prevention plans.

Unfortunately, only 24% of cybersecurity companies actually focus on prevention.

Creating and implementing a continuity plan and disaster recovery strategy will save you time and money. That’s why IT Pros Management business continuity service ensures this happens from the start.

We work with you to provide a clear roadmap to follow when things go wrong. And our 100% unconditional satisfaction guarantee ties with our 1-hour response time.

  1. Available 24/7

As global commerce and remote working require constant access, companies need help day and night.

Twenty-four seven support means just that.

Unlike some ‘just support’ providers, IT Pros Management never stops. You can count on us to protect your data and systems all year-round.

Even on holidays like Christmas or Thanksgiving, we’re available to take your calls or emails.

  1. Secure Your Digital Assets

Data breaches, ransomware attacks, lost or deleted drives – they all impact your bottom line.

Forty percent of the total cost of a data breach stems from lost business. That includes a decline of customers through failing trust and employees not getting access to vital services.

Backing-up data should be an essential element of every company’s schedule.

IT Pros Management ensures that happens across your network. We’re big proponents of Cloud computing and leverage that raw power to secure your data.

You don’t need to panic if you can’t access your information. We will help to restore it in the shortest possible time.

  1. Ongoing Maintenance

A ‘just support’ system doesn’t concern itself with updating your internal systems. It doesn’t care how old your workstations are or if you’re using the latest patched software.

Our team recognizes the need for ongoing maintenance and how it plays into the big picture of IT support.

We conduct ongoing assessments to ensure your equipment is working. Servers, devices and other hardware will remain robust so you’re always working on the latest platforms.

Our engineers will also apply critical security patches to your software. These prevent malicious attacks on your systems.

Your Fully Managed Service Provider

It isn’t a matter of if downtime will occur. It’s a matter of when.

Unlike a reactive program, managed IT services offer a proactive solution. They help mitigate issues like security and network problems through careful monitoring, back-up, and 24/7 support.

IT Pros Management is the first choice for managed IT in the Greater Los Angeles area.

For over nine years we have led the way in supporting small and medium-sized companies. Hundreds of businesses rely on us to ensure they remain online and be there when they need us.

Our proactive approach includes a disaster recovery plan. That ensures that if your systems go down it won’t be for long. You can then carry on trading without skipping a beat.

The first step is to contact IT Pros Management for a quote. Consultation is free and you will soon gain access to our excellent and reliable service.

Remember that we are more than ‘just support’. We’re here before, during, and after things go wrong.