Are you EXTREMELY busy, sometimes frantic, and time-pressured but NOT equipped with the tools, budget, and support you desperately NEED?

Here are just a few of the reasons why IT leaders in small to mid-size companies are moving to a Co-Managed IT approach:

  • Maintain COMPLETE control over your IT department and decide what you and your team will handle and what problems get passed on or escalated to us.
  • Get instant access to the same powerful IT automation and management tools we use to make your job EASIER.
  • Become more valuable to your organization.
  • Get a TEAM of smart, experienced IT professionals to collaborate with.
  • Stop worrying (or worry less!) about falling victim to a major cyber-attack, outage, or data-erasing event.
  • Access to free workshops and on-demand training.
  • One BIG, final benefit: You can finally take a vacation or a day off without everything collapsing.

What Is Co-Managed IT?

In short, Co-Managed IT is a way for IT leaders of growing companies to get the helping hands, specialized expertise, IT management, and automation tools they need WITHOUT the cost and difficulty of finding, managing, and retaining a large IT staff. It’s an ongoing partnership to help you deliver far superior IT support and VALUE to your company at a much lower cost.

How Smart IT Leaders Are
Addressing Their Resource Dilemma

This is EXACTLY why we’ve innovated a new concept called “Co-Managed IT” to provide IT leaders like you an escape route – a solution – that is 1) reliably effective to ensure your organization is prepared, 2) affordable, and 3) customized to YOUR specifications, YOUR needs.

In short, Co-Managed IT is a way for CIOs and IT leaders of growing companies to fill in the gaps and get the helping hands, specialized expertise and automation tools they need WITHOUT the cost and difficulty of finding, managing, and retaining a large IT staff OR outright buying expensive software tools that we give you as part of our program.

This is NOT about taking over your job or replacing your IT department.

It’s also NOT a one-off project-based relationship where an IT company would limit their support to an “event” or project and then leave you and your team behind to try and support it (or give you the option to pay them big bucks afterwards to keep it working).

It’s also NOT just monitoring your network for alarms and problems, which still leaves you responsible for scrambling and fixing the issues.

It IS a flexible partnership where we customize a set of ongoing services and software tools specific to YOUR needs that fill in the gaps, free you to be more strategic, and allow YOU to be a true IT leader in your organization.

  • All of our partnerships with current IT leaders are customized to YOUR specific situation, so you KEEP the workload you want and offload tasks and projects you either don’t have time to do, don’t want to do, or simply don’t have the skill set in-house to complete.
  • We’ll give you our professional-grade management tools that will allow you to capture, organize and prioritize end-user “tickets” (problems), improve communication, shorten resolution time, track software licenses and renewals, create and manage projects, document the devices on your network, and be FAR more effective and efficient. These are software tools your company could not reasonably afford on its own, but they are included with our Co-Managed IT program – and we configure them, upgrade them and train you on their use.
  • Our team will free you up to work on more strategic projects and focus on YOUR strengths. You’ll finally get the time to work on that long list of projects you’ve been wanting to get to but couldn’t – or simply delegate them to us.
  • We’re always here to help you figure out the best solution to a problem, get advice on a situation or error you’ve never encountered before, or decide what technologies are most appropriate for you (without you having to do the work of investigating them ALL).
  • We can assist you in implementing next-gen cybersecurity protections to prevent or significantly mitigate the damages of a ransomware attack or security breach. We can also assist in providing end-user awareness training and help you initiate controls to prevent employees from doing things that would compromise the security and integrity of your network and data.
  • We provide monthly and quarterly workshops and webinars for our Co-Managed IT clients on topics ranging from cybersecurity to backups, etc. This is FREE to you and a huge value add.
  • You’ll have a flexible workforce of experienced IT professionals ready to assist you with special projects, migrations and new technologies – or to simply give you the ability to take some time off. We are your backup IT team!

Who This Is NOT For:

Although there are a LOT of benefits to Co-Managed IT, this is certainly not a good fit for everyone. Here’s a short list of people this won’t work for:

  • IT leaders who insist on viewing us as an adversary instead of an ally.
  • IT leaders who don’t have an open mind to a new way of doing things.
  • Organizations where the leadership is unwilling to invest in IT.

NOT Ready for a Call?

If you’re not ready to call us now we understand. Let us provide you with some FREE information on our Co-Managed IT solution. Complete the form on the right side of the page and we will send you a copy our book “I Don’t Want Your Job. Is Co-Managed IT Services the Right Fit for You?”

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"I Don't Want Your Job. Is Co-Managed IT Services the Right Fit for You?"

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